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Caring for our common home is one of our JPIC (Justice Peace Integrity of Creation) priorities ! This campaign reflects our shared determination to take a pragmatic approach to environmental issues. So, let's plant to reduce the impact of climate change, to enrich biodiversity, to stabilize the soil... and to inspire our neighbors... It's by cultivating that we become aware of nature, of its forces, of this powerful source of life that is ours and that we want to take care of.
« Trees represent the perpetual effort made by the earth to speak to the sky, which listens to it. » - Tagore
Trees are the source of life. They appeared no less than 370 million years ago and helped create the air we breathe by « breathing in » carbon dioxide, acting as a carbon sink and « breathing out » oxygen.
The campaign aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Sdg 13 (Climate Change) and Sdg 15 (Life on Land). By planting trees, we actively contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emission and enhancing resilience to climate-related disasters, and to support the preservation of natural habitats, ensuring thriving planet for all living beings.
The future is not to be predicted but enabled: Join our campaign!

Links with the climate

Global warming disrupts the seasons, contributes to droughts and floods, alters river flows, causes glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise, and increases the intensity of hurricanes and other “natural” disasters. Today's trees and forests play a vital role in regulating the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide. Scientists estimate that forests – including living trees, dead wood, litter and soil – contain around 50% more carbon than the atmosphere. When forests are destroyed, the stored carbon is released into the atmosphere. In fact, deforestation accounts for around 20% of the carbon dioxide generated by human activity, rivalling the emissions from cars, lorries and planes.