Terms of use

Site publisher

The plantingforhope.org website is published by :

Planting for Hope
Villa Lante Via di Francesco di Sales, 18


The site is hosted by :

2 rue kellermann – BP 80157
59053 ROUBAIX Cedex 1


The use of open source technologies was privileged for the implementation of this site:

Publishing tools: WordPress, distributed under GNU/GPL (General Public License).
Design and production: 00 165 Roma

This website and all its contents, including texts, still or animated images, databases, programs, etc., are protected by copyright. In accordance with article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code, it is forbidden to reproduce, copy, modify, transmit, distribute in any way whatsoever, even partially, on any type of support, any element from this site (for example, but not exclusively: texts, logos, images, sound elements, videos, software, icons) without the explicit and prior authorization of Planting for Hope. Any authorized reproduction, representation or use of a component of the website must mention the following phrase: © 2024 Planting for Hope. All rights reserved. In accordance with article L.122-5, first paragraph, of the French Intellectual Property Code, the reproduction of an element of the site for personal and private use is authorized.

Personal information

In general, you can visit our website without having to identify yourself or provide any personal information about yourself. However, we may sometimes ask you for information, in particular to process messages sent via the contact form. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended by the Act of August 6, 2004, you have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete any personal data you have provided to us. You can exercise this right by sending us a letter.

Cookie policy

The plantingforhope.org website may install cookies on your web browser during your visits. Cookies are data that are sent from the web server to your browser, where they are stored for later retrieval.

Cookies are used to memorize various site display options to make your visit easier and, if necessary, avoid having to re-enter certain information. Cookies are also used to obtain information on the use of our website for statistical purposes.

No third-party cookies are stored in your browser by the plantingforhope.org site. Your browser allows plantingforhope.co.uk to access only the cookies it has installed, not those installed by other sites.

The collection of cookies can be deactivated in your browser preferences. If your browser refuses all cookies, you may not be able to use certain parts of the plantingforhope.org site in the best browsing conditions.

Disclaimer of liability

Planting for Hope has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information provided on its site. However, Planting for Hope cannot be held responsible for any errors that may occur on the site.

We would be grateful if users could inform us of any incomplete or erroneous information.

For all administrative information, users are invited to refer exclusively to the information provided on the official websites of the public administrations concerned.

Links to other sites

Planting for Hope provides links to third-party websites. These links are established according to the interest of the contents proposed by these sites, at the time when the links were created. However, as these third-party sites are by nature independent of Planting for Hope, they may subsequently evolve without notice, and Planting for Hope cannot therefore guarantee the continuity of the content accessible via these links over time.

Consequently, Planting for Hope cannot be held responsible for the content accessible via these links. Any user observing a link present on the plantingforhope.org site and leading to content that seems obsolete or inappropriate is invited to report it via the contact page.