Planting for Hope

Action campaign to plant trees and vegetable gardens within the international network of the Society of the Sacred Heart .
We are one big family. As one big family, imagine if every student, every person involved in our projects, every staff member or community sister, started planting... we will see forests of solutions growing towards a sustainable future!
Our campaign is not just about planting trees, it is about nurturing a healthier planet for generations to come.

Learn more

Thanks for the 143678 m² planted !

Latest plantations

Many trees and vegetables for our new school in Eldoret

A variety of indigenous vegetables

A variety of indigenous vegetables

Indigenous fruit and shade trees

A contemplative outlook on our plantations

Latest plantations (more)

10 hectares d'acacias à la ferme de Mbanza-Mboma-10 hectáreas de acacias-10 hectares of acacia trees

Abuelito Chuy - Ranch

Plantando un árbol de limón con mi Tita

Arbolito de mi casa

Jardín Polinizador Instituto Mater

Huerto de preescolar Instituto Mater

Huerto de primaria Instituto Mater

Huerto de secundaria Instituto Mater