
This campaign is based on mutual trust. You can only register one planting action (tree or vegetable garden) that you are carrying out since January 2024 up to today.
It's a Sacred Heart campaign, so sign up, identify your Sacred Heart group and mobilize the other members.
You will form a community and your carbon impact will be calculated individually and as a group.
You can add as many photos as you like. We will be able to follow the growth of your plantations throughout the year!

For the education network

  • Establishments that cultivate vegetable gardens participate by indicating the surface area cultivated.
  • Establishments with a park can participate by indicating the number of new trees, but you can also comment on the surface area of your forest. We would love to be able to calculate our overall carbon impact.
  • Students and alumni can get involved and spread the word ! You can plant at home, as part of your school's ‘community’. By doing so, you'll be helping to increase your school's carbon footprint.

How to use the platform ?

  • Register and create an account.
  • Visit “My Plantations” and enable geolocalization.Enter plantation details and upload photos.
  • You can check your carbon impact.
  • View your carbon impact, on your page and on the world map!
  • If you have any technical problems, just send us a message.
“Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come”. Chinese proverb

Join in !
